Engaging with our schools and colleges

We are strengthening ties between local schools and employers to enhance careers education for young people through funding from The Careers and Enterprise Company

About the programme

The national Careers & Enterprise Company programme works to bridge the gap between education and employment, to give young people the best possible start to their working lives. The programme is delivered locally by Hertfordshire Futures and Services for Young People.

Our Hertfordshire Careers Hub enables greater collaboration between clusters of schools by linking Careers Leaders, Enterprise Advisers and our Cornerstone Employer Group (a network of local businesses).

The Careers Hub, funded through The Careers and Enterprise Company, enables our schools and colleges to empower Hertfordshire’s young people to acquire job-related skills and expertise, and to actively shape their future careers, as well as boosting the local economy and talent pool.

Digital Careers Hub Brochure

Our Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal (HOP) is integral to the Careers Hub in linking young people to employment opportunities.

Get involved – volunteer as an Enterprise Adviser:

As detailed within the Careers Hub Brochure we are always keen to hear from individuals or businesses looking to join our network of Enterprise Advisers. Whether you wish to support a school on an ad-hoc basis or over a sustained period, we will be able to signpost you accordingly.

To register your interest in becoming an Enterprise Adviser, please email steve.trotter@hertfordshirefutures.co.uk to arrange an initial discussion. We have particular need for new Enterprise Advisers to support some of our Special Schools.