
Generation Stevenage 2024

04 Jun 24
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The Stevenage event, first staged in 2023, is the sixth and final Generation event delivered by The Hertfordshire Careers Hub in this academic year. The events bring together employers, training providers and students in order to showcase the wide array of future careers and opportunities available.


Over 1000 young people from 16 different schools in Stevenage and surrounding area came to the iconic Knebworth Barns to meet with over 60 exhibitors at Generation Stevenage 2024 this week to find out about future career opportunities in the area.

Generation Stevenage was a partnership between Hertfordshire Careers Hub (LEP) and Stevenage Development Board.

The Careers Hub supports every secondary school in Stevenage and North Herts including the SEN schools and North Herts FE College. Each school was able to bring a selection of targeted students to attend the event throughout the main part of the day with a ‘twilight session’ open for students and parent/carers from all schools and year groups.

The event provided valuable opportunities for young people to gain meaningful encounters with employers and providers that will help them:

  • Develop a better understanding of different local employers and the roles that they require.
  • Understand the different pathways available including technical, vocational and apprenticeships on offer via employers, colleges and independent training providers
  • Gain confidence speaking with employers and adults.

The event was opened by LEP Chair Adrian Hawkins, the outgoing Mayor of Stevenage Myla Acerno and High Sheriff of Hertfordshire Annie Brewster.

The Mayor said:

“This was a lovely event and I was so delighted to be part of a such a vibrant atmosphere. It was wonderful to see so many local Stevenage businesses attending and speaking with our local students who we hope will be their future workforce. I am grateful to the LEP/Careers Hub for their drive and partnership with the Development Board. This sort of event is exactly what we should be embracing as it truly brings together our dynamic industry along with the very bright talent of the future."

Belinda Jenner, Careers Leader at Barclay Academy in Stevenage said:

“I absolutely loved networking with industry contacts alongside our lovely Year 10 cohort at the Generation Stevenage Careers Fair. Thank you to the Careers Hub for organising such a great event; giving Barclay Academy students insight and access to so many amazing industry professionals. This event allowed us to target some of out students most in need of careers inspiration and really consolidates our progress against several Gatsby Benchmarks. It has also enabled me to make several new employer contacts whom I’ll be following up with and inviting to be part of our Careers planning in the future”

Attending Generation Stevenage allowed us to meet some wonderful students really engaged. It was great to come together once again with fellow Construction employers with activities and discussions that promotes the industry.
Natalie Sidey Natalie SideySocial Value Manager from Wilmott Dixon
Attending Generation Stevenage allowed us to meet some wonderful students really engaged. It was great to come together once again with fellow Construction employers with activities and discussions that promotes the industry.
Natalie Sidey Natalie SideySocial Value Manager from Wilmott Dixon