Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s Apprenticeship Growth Strategy to 2025 articulates a county-wide vision to raise awareness and take-up of apprenticeships and increase the number of quality opportunities available locally.
Apprenticeships are a key priority for Hertfordshire and play a vital role in the local economy. But while apprenticeship awareness among Hertfordshire parents and carers is growing year on year, more needs to be done to ensure they continue to be perceived both as a highly valued career path option that offers quality training, and a means by which to deliver a resident workforce that is fit for the future.
The Hertfordshire Apprenticeship Growth Strategy, published in October 2022, was informed by consultation with stakeholders, workshops with key partners, desk-based research and data analysis. It presents the vision, strategy themes, targets and objectives needed to focus efforts on a shared goal, which is to establish an apprenticeship offer in Hertfordshire that is:
While apprenticeship success is based on the coming together of the apprentice, the employer and the apprenticeship provider, the strategy identifies a significant sphere of influence around this partnership where a collegiate approach to driving growth can have its biggest impact. The influence includes the Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) landscape, business intermediaries, influencers and ambassadors/networks.
The strategy also identifies the need to showcase the impact that apprenticeships can have on the individual, employer and Hertfordshire’s economy. The LEP’s skills portal HOP (Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal), www.hopinto.co.uk, is the premier gateway to explore career pathways within the county and provides a central platform through which to promote and celebrate apprenticeship opportunities and local success stories.
Adrian Hawkins OBE, Chair of Hertfordshire LEP’s Skills Advisory Panel, said: “Apprenticeships are a key priority on the LEP’s skills agenda and we have played a leading role in coordinating efforts across the county to support their promotion.
“From the delivery of our Hertfordshire Careers Hub and the Careers and Enterprise Company programme, to our Hertfordshire Supports Apprenticeships campaign, Generation careers fairs, Levy Transfer service and the vast bank of resources provided on our skills portal HOP, our work to boost perceptions about apprenticeships amongst employers and residents is paying off. The challenge remains to convert interest into action and this strategy aims to do just that, by identifying and inspiring the influencers who can help boost apprenticeship take-up and provision locally.”
Read: Apprenticeship Growth Strategy for Hertfordshire 2022 - 2025
The wider skills landscape
Implementing this coordinated effort will support the overall ambitions of Hertfordshire LEP’s Skills and Employment Strategy 2021 - 2024, which include:
The strategy aligns with the LEP’s Skills Advisory Panel Local Skills Report 2022 and Theme 1 of the Hertfordshire Careers Hub Strategy.
It will also support the development of the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) due to be published by Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce in March 2023. LSIPs are a key initiative within the government’s Skills for Jobs White Paper and will ensure employers are at the heart of post-16 skills provision.
How you can get involved
Hertfordshire LEP invites stakeholders to join its Apprenticeship Growth Strategy webinar on Thursday 24 November, 1pm – 2.30pm, which will brief wider skills partners on the strategy and encourage involvement and collaboration from all those who work within apprenticeship engagement, delivery and achievement.
This webinar is suitable for employers, further education, higher education, independent training providers, education settings, careers advisers, employment support programmes, vocational trainers, local government, business intermediaries and individuals with an interest in technical education.
Other upcoming events
Connecting with education to build your talent pipeline: Monday 7 November, 12pm – 1pm
A skilled workforce is at the heart of every business. Getting to know the education and skills landscape – and the different ways to get involved – can benefit your business in many ways, helping you to get and grow the talent you need. Find out which opportunities are the best fit for your business, to connect you to your future workforce, and to upskill your current team.
Making the most of the apprenticeship levy: Monday 5 December, 1.30pm – 2.30pm
Larger employers can transfer their levy funds to smaller employers who are looking to recruit new apprentices or support existing employees who are undertaking apprenticeships. Essentially, a transfer means the receiving organisation does not have to contribute to the cost of apprenticeship training. Join this webinar to get inspired by the opportunities that are available through apprenticeship programmes. Learn how you can access levy-transfer funds and explore the next steps.
These webinars are part of the Hertfordshire Opportunities programme delivered by Hertfordshire LEP and part-funded by the European Social Fund to help employers connect with education.
Our work to boost perceptions about apprenticeships amongst employers and residents is paying off. The challenge remains to convert interest into action and this strategy aims to do just that.
Our work to boost perceptions about apprenticeships amongst employers and residents is paying off. The challenge remains to convert interest into action and this strategy aims to do just that.