Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s (LEP) Careers Hub is seeking business leaders to work with schools/colleges and empower young people in their career choices while boosting the local economy and talent pool.
Funded by the Careers & Enterprise Company, and operated by the LEP, the Hertfordshire Careers Hub brings together schools, colleges, employers and providers to drive forward a careers’ education that will support the ambitions of Hertfordshire’s business and its young people, closing the skills gap and enabling young people to have a successful career in their home county.
The Hertfordshire Careers Hub new interactive brochure sets out how skills remains the core remit of the LEP in driving future growth, its networks of schools and partners and how employers can get involved.
Click here to read the brochure.
There are 110 schools and colleges within Hertfordshire Careers Hub supported by Enterprise Co-ordinators and more than 130 Enterprise Advisers - business champions, experts and ambassadors – recruited by the LEP and who support individual schools by working with their careers’ leaders. Partners include Hertfordshire County Council, Herts for Learning, Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce, University of Hertfordshire, Amazing Apprenticeships and the Herts, Beds and Milton Keynes Training Provider Network.
Key themes for the Careers Hub include delivering the Government’s Gatsby Benchmarks for careers provision; increasing awareness and interest in technical education and apprenticeships; supporting at-risk young people through transitions; removing barriers and tackling disadvantage; elevating the status of careers leaders; providing careers education as part of economic recovery, engaging with emerging local skill improvement plans and employers to position careers education; supporting employers to build long-term sustainable, mutually-beneficial partnerships with schools and colleges.
Employers can get involved by:
Gareth Dace, Hertfordshire LEP’s Strategic Careers Hub Lead, said: “We hope this digital brochure will help explain to both current and potential employers and partners about how we want to work with them. Together we can help realise our vision to ensure our county’s young people understand the opportunities available to them and realise their aspirations and full potential – no matter what sector they wish to pursue a career in.
“The Hertfordshire Careers Hub empowers businesses to shape the county’s skills agenda for the future and ensure their needs are met while also benefitting our young people.”
For more information on the Careers Hub contact Careers Hub Operations Lead Steve Trotter by emailing steve.trotter@hertfordshirelep.co.uk or visit the Careers Hub web page.
We hope this digital brochure will help explain to both current and potential employers and partners about how we want to work with them. Together we can help realise our vision to ensure our county’s young people understand the opportunities available to them.