
Hertfordshire LEP publishes Economic Recovery Plan

28 Aug 20

Hertfordshire LEP has published its Economic Recovery Plan, Unlocking Hertfordshire, in response to COVID-19. This plan builds on the emergency measures which were taken at both local and national levels.

Its purpose is to chart a clear route through the short-medium term economic effects of the pandemic and define actions in response. It aims to accelerate recovery over the next 6-18 months, but it will also position Hertfordshire for sustained and good economic growth in the years thereafter.

The plan is structured around main three delivery packages. These are focused on:

  • Enterprise and Innovation;
  • Skills and Creativity; and
  • International Trade and Investment

To ensure that progress is made towards the longer-term aspirations set out in the draft Local Industrial Strategy (and previously the Strategic Economic Plan), two transformational programmes will be also advanced.

These are:

  • Equipping Hertfordshire’s places for mid-21st century working and living
  • Connecting Hertfordshire for mid-21st century working and living

Across both transformational programmes, Hertfordshire LEP will work alongside other partners to ensure that progress is made. In particular, the intention is that many of these broader commitments should be advanced through the emerging Growth Deal which is being negotiated through the Hertfordshire Growth Board.

Hertfordshire LEP Board will oversee the delivery of the Economic Recovery Plan and it will monitor its progress closely. Given the uncertainty of the situation and the process of EU transition, this plan is, and will remain, a live one. We intend to review it in the autumn and early in the new year. 

View Hertfordshire's Recovery Plan                                                                                                 

Learn more about the plan at Hertfordshire LEP's Annual Conference 2020 on 25 September:

Hertfordshire has the assets and ambition to succeed. In working together to ‘unlock Hertfordshire’, the possibilities and responsibilities are crucially important – both for local businesses, individuals and communities, and for the UK as a whole.
Mark Bretton Mark BrettonChair, Hertfordshire LEP and the LEP Network
Hertfordshire has the assets and ambition to succeed. In working together to ‘unlock Hertfordshire’, the possibilities and responsibilities are crucially important – both for local businesses, individuals and communities, and for the UK as a whole.
Mark Bretton Mark BrettonChair, Hertfordshire LEP and the LEP Network