STEM Centre
Hertfordshire LEP invested in the upgrading of teaching facilities at the Oaklands College Welwyn Garden City campus to deliver STEM-related curriculum including cyber security, science and the built environment to meet local employers’ needs.
Hertfordshire LEP invested in this project as part of its work to coordinate and promote STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths) to help meet the needs of our key growth sectors. We are also working to help young people into employment and training and increasing the number of apprenticeships and traineeships.
The centre will support 235 additional learners completing STEM-related traineeships; 438 additional learners completing Level 2 and Level 3 STEM-related programmes; 475 STEM-related Intermediate or Advanced Level 16-18 apprenticeships; and 453 additional STEM-related Higher or Advanced Level apprenticeships.
Hertfordshire LEP invested £800k in the project from the Local Growth Fund. The total cost was £1.6m with Oaklands College providing the remaining £800k.
This project was approved by the board on the 24th March 2016.