Essex Road is the main route into and out of Hoddesdon Business Park - an important income generator in Hertfordshire. Access to the business park was restricted by a 60 year old bridge over the New River, which was too narrow for two HGVs to pass, with no cyclist access, tight footpaths, and the risk of major disruption to traffic in the case of vehicle breakdowns or accidents.
With the help of LEP funding, a new bridge and modern link road has been built to better accommodate vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. With wider roads and pavements, the new bridge helps to reduce bottlenecks and ensure disruption is kept to a minimum in the event of repairs.
Work began in October 2019 to clear vegetation, divert cables and undertake site investigations and ecological works in preparation for the construction of the new bridge. Construction began in early 2020 and was completed on time and on budget despite the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2021.
The new bridge and link road is key to unlocking the economic potential of Hoddesdon Business Park, one of the largest in Hertfordshire, comprised of six employment campuses spanning 118 hectares, and which houses major employers such as Sainsbury’s. The new infrastructure also gives businesses improved access to the strategic highway network.
The scheme was supported by an £8.9m Local Growth Fund investment from Hertfordshire LEP, £1.47m from Hertfordshire County Council, and £400,000 of S106 funding from Broxbourne Borough Council.
This project was approved by the board on the 22nd March 2018 with the expansion approved 20th June 2019.