The A414 Buncefield Lane Quietway will comprise a new network of cycling and walking routes linking to Herts IQ. Completion is set for spring 2021.
A Quietway is a network of cycle and walking routes that link key destinations through less heavily trafficked streets, joining up with carriageway routes where possible.
Quietways are direct and easy to follow and are also designed for and aimed at less confident cyclists and pedestrians who want a safe, unthreatening experience when cycling. Quietways are also intended for cyclists and pedestrians who want to travel at a gentler pace.
The new Buncefield Quietway will also enable the green businesses located in Herts IQ to offer their employees a greater choice of sustainable travel options, and also contribute towards lowering their carbon footprint.
This project is part of a wider programme to improve sustainable transport facilities in the area. The scheme will provide a number of safety improvements including a new signal-controlled pedestrian/cycle crossing, as well as bus stop relocation, wayfinding signage and a shared-use pathway for pedestrians and cyclists.
This programme will help to improve sustainable transport in the area including pedestrian and cycle access to Herts IQ, the county’s Enterprise Zone, which is building a cluster of smart construction and green tech businesses.
The majority of the works are being carried out overnight to minimise disruption to residents and local businesses in the area.
Hertfordshire LEP has invested £686k towards the A414 Buncefield Lane Quietway project.
This project was approved by the board on the 21st June 2018.