Invest Hertfordshire

Perfectly placed for business.

About Invest Hertfordshire

Invest Hertfordshire is a new inward investment service that launched in May 2024. We make it easier for businesses looking to relocate and expand in this thriving and dynamic county by connecting you to the right support and providing all the information you need to invest. For expert advice, contact Invest Hertfordshire.

This service is provided by Hertfordshire Futures, which is responsible for managing economic and skills development, sector growth and innovation across the county.

Hertfordshire's inward investment service:

Imagination Technologies 3
Airbus Exomars Rover With Credit Overlaid
Warner Bros Studios 3
CGTC Lab 2019 (1)

Invest Hertfordshire at UKREiiF

Partners from across Hertfordshire will be at the UK's Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum (UKREiiF) in Leeds, from Tuesday 21st to Thursday 23rd May.

Invest Hertfordshire will be there to showcase the county's business and investment potential; accelerate economic opportunities created by Hertfordshire’s scientific, creative, manufacturing and technological strengths; and secure investment for high quality sustainable development. The new Invest Hertfordshire website will also be launched at UKREiiF. 

If you are attending, join us at J30 in Royal Armouries Hall to learn more about the service.

Unlocking Hertfordshire's Growth Potential

Panel discussion and drinks reception
Wednesday 22nd May, 3.30pm - 4.30pm at the Cinema Stage, Royal Armouries 

From space to science, blockbuster films to green and blue investment – Hertfordshire is firing on all cylinders, generating £41bn per annum for the UK economy.

Join the panel discussion to hear industry and place leaders reveal insights and unveil investment opportunities. Afterwards, meet the Invest Hertfordshire team and network with partners during the drinks reception. 

Meet the speakers

Richard Roberts
Cllr Richard Roberts
  • Leader, Hertfordshire County Council
Sally Bedwell, Willmott Dixon
Sally Bedwell
  • Director, Willmott Dixon
Rebecca Hawkes, Elstree Studios
Rebecca Hawkes
  • Acting Head of Studios, Elstree Studios
Rob Chesworth, The Crown Estate
Rob Chesworth
  • Head of Strategic Land, The Crown Estate
Andrew Gardner, Airbus (1)
Andrew Gardner
  • Head of UK Strategy, Airbus
Got a question?
Melanie Miller is Inward Investment Manager
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