HM Revenue & Customs

What is HMRC?
HMRC is the UK’s tax authority. Almost every UK business is a direct customer of HMRC.

When would I need to speak to HMRC?
You will need to speak to HMRC when you start your own business to register to pay tax or national insurance contributions. Find out how and when you need to register on the HMRC website.

Business rates

Business rates are taxes to help pay for local services. They’re charged on most non-domestic properties (including commercial), e.g. shops, offices, pubs, warehouses and factories.

You’ll probably have to pay business rates if you use a building or part of a building for non-domestic purposes. You may also need to pay business rates if the property is currently empty.

If you're a small business, you may be eligible for Small Business Rate relief.

Other things to consider

Bidding for local authority contracts
As a business you can ‘bid’ for contracts with various organisations, both public and private. Supply Hertfordshire has been set up as a tool to be used for all businesses who wish to be a supplier to public sector organisations within Hertfordshire.

Register to be a supplier

Got a question?
Samuel Hudson is Programme Manager for Better Business For All.
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