Join us for a series of online seminars as our panels of local and national experts debate some of the biggest questions facing our county – from the impact of ill health on employment to attracting more green investment and bridging the digital divide. We need your input – find out more.
We are continuing to engage widely with residents, businesses and stakeholders on some of the key issues affecting economic growth. This is to enable us to plan ahead for the future in partnership by developing a new Economic Strategy that is representative of a diverse range of views.
The importance of a united industry voice to tackle skills gaps, embrace technology advances and lobby for incentives were key themes under the spotlight at the inaugural Steering Group meeting of the UK Screen Investment Programme.
Empowering individuals by offering a wide range of courses, Hertfordshire Futures and Step2Skills now offer a holistic provision.
How can we get more people in Hertfordshire back into work was the exam question put to an expert panel in the first of three Hertfordshire Futures debates designed to grow the economy and widen opportunities.
We help create the right conditions for businesses to grow and innovate
We bridge the gap between education and employment to help meet local skills needs
We work to regenerate our places, improve connectivity and meet future energy needs